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Leo Weekly Horoscope


- Week 22, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    Confront your doubts starting Monday, the Moon's square to Mars won't let you sidestep the challenge. Rethink your personal approach in a creative way. On Tuesday, dare to express your feelings to lift your spirits. Take a peaceful break on Wednesday to center yourself and spot eagerly awaited promising new ideas towards the end of the week, thanks to the Sun in conjunction with Venus bringing a harmonious balance gently, to embrace without hesitation!

  • Your love life

    For couples, effective communication becomes crucial. Express your feelings; Mars in Aries gives you the courage to do so. For singles, take advantage of this period to explore parenthood differently. Consider adopting a pet or getting a plant. The Moon in Capricorn encourages tangible commitment.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    Flirt without hesitation with a Sagittarius who, just like you, cherishes freedom and optimism.

    You avoid

    Steer clear of Capricorn this week. Their stringent ways and your fiery creativity are at odds.

  • Your weekend

    During the weekend, a risk of conflicts disturbs your tranquility. Isolation might feel burdensome, but it also provides a respite. Take advantage of this break to recharge your batteries. Remember, the Sun in conjunction with Venus breathes harmony and inner peace into your life. Embrace them!

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