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Leo Weekly Horoscope


- Week 25, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    With Mars in Taurus driving you to act, press forward! The challenges presented are opportunities for growth. You will see long-dormant projects stirring awake. So, wait no longer to spring into action! Isn't this precisely what you've been waiting for?

  • Your love life

    Despite an intensity-laden Moon in Scorpio, gentleness will be your ally. For those in couples, your mutual support will shine through, strengthening your bond. Singles, a significant - almost spiritual - encounter may be on the horizon. Whether it's love or friendship, you will be fulfilled.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    The Aries, with its dynamism and audacity, marries perfectly to your confident and passionate nature.

    You avoid

    With Cancer, challenges arise, your daring often contrasts with its sensitive and introverted nature.

  • Your weekend

    Allow creativity to dominate your kitchen this weekend. The Moon in Sagittarius on the 22nd brims with energy: perfect for stirring up and giving life to your little sauté of exotic spices. Once daunting, the culinary arts become a playground.

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