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Leo Weekly Horoscope


- Week 27, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    From Monday, bravery fills your spirit: the Moon in conjunction with Mars promotes audacity. In need of justice? Do not hesitate to assert yourself. Quarrels quiet down on Wednesday with Mercury in sextile with Uranus. Fed up with the daily grind? A forgotten memory might resurface, providing a gentle escape. Who said dreaming is not doing?

  • Your love life

    In a relationship, a complete misunderstanding may arise. Do not fan the flames. If you're single, avoid fleeting romances: this sudden urge to flee from any serious commitment, you'll quickly move beyond it! The Moon in conjunction with Jupiter on Wednesday could help to ease these tensions.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    Sagittarians, spontaneous and hopeful, may assist you in savouring the joy of the present moment this week.

    You avoid

    Scorpios, with their emotional intensity, run the risk of disrupting your usual serenity. Exercise caution this week.

  • Your weekend

    In a blended family, embrace challenges with tranquility. On Sunday, the Sun-Saturn aspect brings structure and stability, enough to sail the occasionally stormy seas of these gatherings. Remain open and tolerant.

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