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Libra Weekly Horoscope


- Week 24, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    Anticipate a mighty surge of positive energy to permeate your week. Mars' opposition to Pluto on Tuesday could prove invigorating, assisting you in nurturing your resilience. The impeccable alignment between Mercury and the Sun on Thursday ushers in an intellectual ease ideal for enlightening conversations. However, any confusion on Friday will necessitate your carefully chosen words.....

  • Your love life

    Singles, this week the allure of unexpected encounters is upon you. Remain open to surprises. For those paired, bank on emotional connection to bring hearts closer. However, beware of confusion come Friday: express yourself clearly to ward off misunderstandings.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    This week, a Gemini might very well understand you without the need for you to utter a word, thanks to a flowing and intuitive communication.

    You avoid

    The rational and methodical approach of a Capricorn may, this week, clash with your need for balance and harmony.

  • Your weekend

    Brace yourself for a last-minute cancellation that could upend your plans. Do not let it unbalance you. View it as an opportunity to experience an unforeseen moment, perhaps even a rewarding one.

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