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Libra Weekly Horoscope


- Week 26, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    The vibrations of Uranus will intensely inspire you this week. Be careful, they might scramble your senses and sow doubt in your projects. Stay focused, don't scatter yourself in a thousand directions at once. One question arises: Is your close circle on the same wavelength as you? Don't hesitate to communicate openly.....

  • Your love life

    Within your partnership, mutual support in the face of challenges will be paramount. Harmony prevails, even amidst adversity. For those unattached, an unexpected attraction catches you off guard. Hold off on diving headfirst. It may be wiser to delve into this new relationship. When confronting the unknown, caution is the mother of safety!

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    A harmonious rapport with an Aquarius is foreseeable, as your two air signs understand and synchronize perfectly.

    You avoid

    Tensions may arise with a Taurus. Your need for balance might clash with their occasional stubborn and rigid demeanor.

  • Your weekend

    Over the weekend, many glances and requests will highlight your ability to progress. A certain tension is perceptible. Release the pressure, take a deep breath, and move forward with assurance.

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