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Libra Weekly Horoscope


- Week 33, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    A week of contrast is on the horizon. Restlessness rises with the tension between Sun and Moon, misunderstandings are in the offing. Keep your cool mid-week, a favorable Mars-Jupiter aspect will encourage brave initiatives. Collaboration and kindly advice should be the rule to weather this phase. And you, can you set aside your pride to ask for help?

  • Your love life

    For couples, it's the time to lay firm foundations. Harmony will require effort but the results will be worth it. Singletons, an unexpected love could make an appearance. Learn to appreciate the surprise without rushing things, love needs time to bloom.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    Association with a Taurus could prove beneficial for you, their pragmatism effectively counterbalancing your idealistic nature in a harmonious manner.

    You avoid

    Beware of Sagittarians, their thirst for freedom and your quest for balance might struggle to find common ground.

  • Your weekend

    The weekend could be punctuated by strains within your relationship. However, remember that a cloudy sky does not prevent the sun from shining. Seek to bring joy, for in it you could find a source of serenity.

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