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Pisces Weekly Horoscope


- Week 2, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    Roll up your sleeves and dive into your projects. A beneficial atmosphere is setting in, thanks to Mars in Capricorn. It aids you in marrying a passion for work with a joyous life at home. However, beware of minor conflicts brought about by the Moon square Saturn towards the end of the week. Try to progress without rushing and make sure to take time to listen to your loved ones. Stay upbeat!

  • Your love life

    Seek balance this week. Mars in Capricorn encourages independence but beware of the Moon square Saturn, which could bring misunderstandings. If you're single, stay open to encounters, and if you're in a relationship, preserve your freedom while clearly communicating your needs and desires to your partner. A small spark could ignite a great flame.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    Capricorn, your most loyal ally this week. Opportunities come into view when you collaborate closely. Pay close attention to the signs!

    You avoid

    Sagittarius, take a step back. Misunderstandings are possible with the Moon's presence. Caution and distance will be your allies.

  • Your weekend

    A weekend ripe with promise for encounters, perfect for fostering a shared endeavor. The Sun in conjunction with Pluto brings a wave of intense creative energy. Embrace these times, for they herald a season of renewal!

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