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Pisces Weekly Horoscope


- Week 22, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    At the start of the week, take a deep breath under the Moon trine Mercury's influence to relieve stress. Consider adopting a balanced diet to boost your energy. Mid-week, briefly turn your attention to your personal goals with Jupiter sextile Neptune. Finish the week by giving yourself a well-deserved break. Do you already feel rejuvenated?

  • Your love life

    Attention singles, safety in online dating is paramount. Pay attention to the details and exercise discernment. Jupiter sextile Neptune supports you in your decision-making. Couples, an online romantic relationship may seem odd but it also brings you closer. Have a good week, everyone!

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    Harmony is within reach with a Scorpio, their deep and thoughtful side will stir your sensitivity and creativity.

    You avoid

    Steer clear of Leo this week. Their dynamic and dominant nature might clash with your gentleness and disturb your inner balance.

  • Your weekend

    Over the weekend, engaging in an artistic activity such as painting will unveil new aspects of your personality. You thrive in this fresh social twist. Mercury in Gemini enhances your creative expression. Make the most of it!

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