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Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope


- Week 12, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    Take the time to hear what others have to say and remain open to fresh perspectives. The new situations stirred up by Mars in Aquarius may be daunting, but they conceal unsuspected opportunities. The key? Your receptiveness. Would you dare to step out of your comfort zone?

  • Your love life

    Couples, sidestep needless heartaches! Learn to manage your shared expectations. Singles, charting friendships with those in committed relationships can seem tricky. Respect their boundaries. The influence of the Moon in Cancer bolsters empathy and fosters understanding. Stay on your guard.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    A Leo could stir your adventurous side, with an energy and dynamism that harmonize perfectly with your own.

    You avoid

    The caution typical of Taurus might dampen your inherent optimism and curb your yearning for novelty. Understand their fears to soothe them more effectively.

  • Your weekend

    Your weekend will be punctuated by intense emotions. If anger rears its head, harness it as motivation to tackle lingering issues. The energy of the Sun in Aries may aid in this process. Show some bravery!

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