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Scorpio Weekly Horoscope


- Week 19, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    Pluto squaring your sign marks your calendar. Anticipate a week of arguments and confrontations. Behind these apparent conflicts lies an opportunity for you to cast a fresh gaze on some lingering issues and to approach emotional tensions from a new angle. Hold tight!

  • Your love life

    For couples, managing a long-distance relationship can be challenging. With Jupiter sextile Neptune, trust your intuition to handle the obstacles. For singles, the past might resurface. Don't let old demons disturb your peace of mind. Be steadfast and look ahead.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    An understanding with a Cancer promises remarkable emotional harmony, given your shared sensitivity and your desire for inner security.

    You avoid

    A Capricorn's reserve might easily curb your passionate impulses and heighten the frustration in your quest for a profound connection.

  • Your weekend

    Communication may prove challenging this weekend. Yet, with the Sun in conjunction with Jupiter, it's the perfect opportunity to show greater tolerance. Do not despair, diplomacy will do its work!

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