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Scorpio Weekly Horoscope


- Week 32, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    The influence of Mars in Gemini rekindles your ambitions. The challenges that await you are opportunities to display your worth. Do you feel ready to climb the ladder? Beware, though, tension may accrue towards the middle of the week. Step back and engage with discernment. The end of the week portends to be quieter, seize it to replenish your energy.

  • Your love life

    In a relationship, cherish the camaraderie. Now is the time to reveal to your partner the depth of your appreciation for the friendship within your bond. For the single ones, do not undervalue the spark that might be ignited during a professional collaboration. Remain open to all possibilities.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    The tenacity of Taurus can perfectly sustain your ambition, a fruitful union is on the horizon.

    You avoid

    The Gemini's indecisiveness could impede your plans, it's wiser to avoid unnecessary collaborations with this sign this week.

  • Your weekend

    The weekend promises to be abundant in introspection. It's an opportunity to become aware of your profound desires and to unwind. Harmony prevails, seize this chance to discover more about yourself. Listen to yourself, it's paramount for your emotional equilibrium.

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