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Virgo Weekly Horoscope


- Week 11, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    You can sense a gust of novelty set to ripple through your everyday relationships beginning on March 11th, thanks to the Moon in conjunction with Mercury. Remain open to new encounters and opportunities that might present themselves. Just like the impending spring, your social horizon is reborn. Lively intellectual exchanges are on the cards!

  • Your love life

    This week's planetary lull offers a golden opportunity for couples: to venture into the realm of online romance. Games, intense conversations, dare to be original! As for the singles, reflection is your ally. Choosing to remain alone is not a burden but a freedom. Savor it!

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    With their naturally enthusiastic and communicative demeanor, Gemini will complement you perfectly this week.

    You avoid

    Beware of the Sagittarius this week, their thirst for adventure and independence could clash with your more methodical nature.

  • Your weekend

    The weekend is ripe for familial bonding. Why not mount your bicycle and revel in nature with your kin? The Sun sextile Pluto aspect on March 17th bolsters this surge of camaraderie..

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