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Virgo Weekly Horoscope


- Week 19, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    The energy of Mars in Aries injects a boost into your communication. Be active, make your voice heard! Midweek, a Sun-Jupiter conjunction fosters luck and expansion. Take this opportunity to resolve tensions or to draw closer to your colleagues and friends.

  • Your love life

    Singles, it's time to delve into new hobbies. Personal enrichment makes you all the more appealing. For those in a relationship, independence is valuable: take time for yourselves. It rejuvenates the relationship! The Sun-Jupiter conjunction, at week's end, promises joyful moments to share.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    The patience of Taurus wonderfully complements your attention to detail, making for a harmonious and productive week.

    You avoid

    Your expectations might collide with the carefree nature of Sagittarius. Exercise caution in your interactions this week.

  • Your weekend

    Feeling a creative urge? Dive into painting this weekend. The Sun-Uranus conjunction stimulates your inspiration and encourages new endeavors. Cast aside all prejudices, let your feelings guide your brush.

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