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Virgo Weekly Horoscope


- Week 32, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    A week of vigor, propelled by Mercury in Virgo, opens itself to you! However, be cautious as this overflowing energy may nudge you towards taking unnecessary risks. Channel this strength to propel forward, not to singe your wings. Are there surprises on the way? Stay alert.....

  • Your love life

    Couples, steer clear of needless arguments, they might drain your relationship. Singles, an attraction towards a rival looms on the horizon. But diving into competition isn't always worth the game. Your energy is precious, wield it wisely!

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    Join forces with a Capricorn, your complementary qualities assure a fruitful collaboration.

    You avoid

    Steer clear of Sagittarius. Their boundless yearning for adventure might pull you out of your cherished comfort zone.

  • Your weekend

    Dare to choose intimate and passionate experiences. Allow yourself to be swept away by positive emotions, passion is on the agenda. Be cautious though, not to scatter yourself too thin.

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