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Virgo Weekly Horoscope


- Week 36, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    The Sun, in conjunction with the Moon at the week's commencement, fabricates an ambiance of harmony, a resource you can utilize for your own benefit. Focus on your personal objectives, as Mercury, in sextile with Mars, promotes alertness and response. However, caution is advised towards the week's end where Mars transits into Cancer: do not haste matters!

  • Your love life

    In a relationship, your doubts about feelings gradually dissipate as the week progresses. Communication is the key. For you, singletons, an intriguing appointment awaits: allow yourself to be seduced by the unknown, without rushing. The aspect of Venus in Libra encourages a balance between the heart and the mind.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    The gentleness of Cancer complements your practical sense, fostering fruitful exchanges and sturdy alliances.

    You avoid

    With Aries, your pragmatism might collide with their impulsiveness, leading to misunderstandings and tensions. Be wary.....

  • Your weekend

    Your obligations, such as a trip to the park, will overshadow this weekend. Use them as a means to soothe yourself from previous tensions. This commitment could well become your most cherished moment, don't shy away from it! Jupiter square Saturn suggests that a relaxing effect is anticipated.

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