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Venus-Pluto conjunction: To rekindle the flame of your desires!

December 11, 2021

On December 11, 2021 at 5:18 pm Paris time, Venus will enter into conjunction with Pluto in the sign of Capricorn and its effects will be felt until the 12th. With this conjunction, you can expect some turbulence, especially in

The worst faults of each astrological sign

December 9, 2021

You now know your zodiac sign and would like to know more about your personalities and your native characters? That’s great! In this article, you will discover the worst faults of each zodiac sign. Aries (March 21 – April 21)

La papesse, la 2ème lame du tarot de Marseille

The arcana of the tarot: the Papess

December 7, 2021

According to legend, the Egyptian sages, fearing that their sacred knowledge would one day be lost, decided to hide it in the last place where ill-intentioned people would think to find it: a simple deck of cards. Such would be

2022 Numerology

December 5, 2021

2022, a universal year, 6 in numerology is about finding one’s place, making peace with oneself and with others. A dominant 2 is present, as it’s represented three times and it will make room for adaptability, communication, empathy, and cooperation.

New Moon and solar eclipse: tenfold power

December 4, 2021

On December 4, 2021, at 7:45 a.m. universal time, the Moon will shoot its arrow at 12°23 in Sagittarius. She will want to be precise, not wanting to miss her target in order to achieve her goals. She will also

How to seduce your crush according to your star sign?

December 2, 2021

In love as in war, anything goes! You have surely heard this expression more than once. This time, you have the most powerful weapons to help you conquer your beloved: the power of the stars. There is nothing like the

Love with passion due to the Mars/Neptune Trine

November 29, 2021

On November 29, 2021, at 3:12 p.m. CET, Mars will enter be in an exact trine with Neptune. These two planets will be rather powerful, because they are positioned in their respective signs of mastership, Scorpio and Pisces. Take action

BREAK-UP: Our tips for getting over it and moving on

November 28, 2021

No matter how long a relationship has lasted, a breakup is a painful moment, a difficult ordeal, from which it is hard to recover easily. Fortunately, several solutions exist and sometimes the answer is within reach. So if your relationship

Make room for novelty with Sun who enters Sagittarius!

November 23, 2021

From November 22 until December 21, 2021, Sun will pass through Sagittarius, bringing along good nature and optimism, but also excesses which will be tough to control, slip-ups concerning authority, in its trail. Positive energy to pass on Jupiter, its

The Oracle of Stars

November 22, 2021

A fan of astrology? Fascinated by fortune telling? This Oracle of the stars is made for you! Whether you are an astrology enthusiast or just a beginner, experienced in drawing cards or a novice, this wonderful set of 53 beautifully

The secret power of the lunar eclipse on the 19th of November

November 20, 2021

On November 19, 2021, there will be a partial lunar eclipse that shall begin at 8:19 a.m. CET and end at 11:46 a.m. This phenomenon occurs when the Moon is in the shadow cone of the Earth, hiding the Sun

Full Moon in November: Releasing feelings

November 19, 2021

At 8:59 a.m. Greenwich Mean Time, the Full Moon of November 19, 2021, will place its energies at 27 ° 15 in Taurus. There will be intense energies since it will be a partial lunar eclipse. Get away from the

Get ready to endure the violence of the Mars-Uranus opposition

November 17, 2021

On the 17th of November 2021 at 7:24 am CET, Mars will be opposed to Uranus. The influence of this aspect will be felt until 21st November. Emotional outbursts We are in the presence of two stars, known for their

Disturbances of the Sun/Jupiter square

November 15, 2021

On the 15th of November 2021 at 9 pm CET, Sun will form a square with Jupiter. The influence of this aspect will be felt until the 18th. The « I » against all Sun in astrology represents the principle of conscience

Mercure/Uranus opposition: In search of truth

November 13, 2021

On the 13th of November 2021 at 4:58 p.m. CET, Mercury, who’ll be coming out of a conjunction with Mars and will be opposite Uranus. The influence of this aspect will be felt until the 15th. Tough realization Mercury represents

Mars/Saturn square: The shock!

November 10, 2021

On the 11th of November 2021 at 1:15 am CET, Mars will square up with Saturn. The influence of this aspect will be felt until the 15th of November. Look beyond appearances Mars and Saturn will be quite strong as

The arcanas of tarot : Magician

November 6, 2021

Depending on the legend, the Egyptian sages feared that one day they would lose their sacred knowledge, so they decided to hide it in the last place where ill-willed people may find it: a simple deck of cards. This is

November’s New Moon: Positive powerful forces in motion

November 4, 2021

On the 4th of November 2021 at 9:15 pm, Greenwich mean time, the New Moon shall form at 12° 40 in Scorpio. In direct opposition with Uranus, it’ll offer intense energy, at times volcanic to embark on a path which is

Full Moon in October 2021: The need to be heard!

October 20, 2021

This Full Moon on the 20th of October 2021 at 2:58 universal time, places its energy at 27° 25 in Aries and isn’t going to be easy. Faithful to its sign, it’ll try to fight, strengthened by its certainties. Its opposition

Venus-Saturn sextile: A flight towards wisdom

October 13, 2021

On the 13th of October 2021 at 9:28pm CET, Venus will form a harmonious sextile with Saturn in Aquarius. Be more open and let go The latter is well-positioned in this sign and possesses traditional knowledge of it (right until

New Moon October 2021 : In search for explanations!

October 6, 2021

On the 6th of October 2021, 11:06 am, the New Moon will direct its energies at 13°26 in Libra. A hand extended towards peace Through its dual conjunction with Sun and Mars, New Moon’s vibes will reach agreements in a

Mercury-Pluto square : Phase of psychological turbulence

October 2, 2021

On the 1st of October 2021 at 4:34 CET, a square shall be formed between Mercury and Pluto. Mercury is in retrograde and shall be in Libra. Major soul searching Libra is still looking for balance, a middle ground and

Looking for major thrills!

September 27, 2021

Review our communication 27th September 2021 onward, Mercury will be in retrograde, which means it’ll seem to back up in the sky and not move forward, anymore. This phenomenon can be explained through a difference of speed between the concerned

Sun in Libra: Time for concrete actions

September 24, 2021

Not much room for half-heartedness On the 22nd of September 2021, Sun’s entry in Libra at 7:21 pm, Greenwich mean time, shall mark the fall equinox. This will concern a seasonal change of course, but mainly a modification of celestial

Changes within relationships

September 23, 2021

On the 23rd of September 2021 at 11:42 am, CET, Venus shall be opposed to Uranus. Influences of this aspect will be felt until the 25th of September. We have two plummeting stars, which welcome and as a consequence, whose

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