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Aries Weekly Horoscope


- Week 41, 2024 -

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  • LOVE


  • Your week

    Aries, get ready for an eventful week, under the major influence of Mars (your planet, by the way!) in Scorpio, which invites you to explore your depths and take determined actions. Don't worry, the favorable aspect of Saturn in Pisces offers you stability. With the Sun and Mercury in Libra, balance is the order of the day. Think diplomacy in your relationships. As for your mood, it alternates between passionate and meditative. You will need to manage these energies gently to avoid emotional roller coasters. So, isn't the life of a balanced Aries beautiful? It's almost an Oxymoron, isn't it?

  • Your love life

    Aries, in love, the week looks promising! For singles, Mercury in Libra encourages dialogue and encounters. You might come across a charming person, so stay open! For couples, the sextile between Venus (in Virgo) and Mars (your planet, in Scorpio) promises a beautiful complicity. A little advice, play detective in the bedroom, Mars in Scorpio loves that! However, keep your passion under control so as not to scare your partner. So, are you ready to explore new realms of love, you mischievous little Aries?

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    Aries, this week, you may find a beautiful harmony with a Scorpio. With Mars, your planet, in Scorpio, expect passionate complicity. It's certain, you will experience intense moments! A piece of advice: don't be too scatterbrained, Aries!

    You avoid

    Aries, this week, it is better to avoid Taurus. With Jupiter in Taurus, their strictness could hinder your momentum. You prefer action, they advocate patience. What a teaspoon of conflict!

  • Your weekend

    Aries, your weekend is looking very sweet. The Moon is favoring an intimate and passionate atmosphere. Take this opportunity to recharge and share genuine moments with your loved ones. On the 16th, the Moon-Venus sextile could bring about pleasant surprises, especially in love. And as for your mood, it will be in a festive spirit! So, are you ready to set aside the stress of the week and enjoy a good family meal with a touch of romance? Come on, we know you're capable of it, dear Aries!

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