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Libra Weekly Horoscope


- Week 27, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    With Jupiter's presence in Gemini this week, you may sense a certain restlessness. Harness this energy to invigorate your adaptability, and do not let fear of change unsettle you. In fact, you might even find it advantageous! However, be wary of potential squabbles during your daily commutes. Employ a keen empathetic ear to defuse any simmering conflicts.

  • Your love life

    In matters of the heart, caution is called for in new relationships. Resist the urge to probe into your partner's past. For those already in a relationship, attempting to uncover yesterday's secrets could unsettle your present. As for the single folks, be wary of budding romances. Proceed step by step without rushing.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    Gemini are good companions, their mental agility aligns well with your ceaseless pursuit of balance and harmony.

    You avoid

    The intensity of Scorpios can sometimes be too demanding for your need for lightness and balance. Caution.....

  • Your weekend

    Place your bets on friendship. Carefully establish your schedule, anticipating moments of camaraderie. Rediscover the simple joy of being with those who share your values and your humor. Truly, a comfort!

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