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Virgo Weekly Horoscope


- Week 31, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    A wind of change is gusting across your personal life. You might feel a certain thrill, but don't forget to adjust your habits accordingly. The square between Mercury and Mars recommends remaining steadfast while showcasing flexibility. Ready for the challenge?

  • Your love life

    Passion leads the dance this week. Singles, allow yourselves to be charmed by casual encounters, yet without letting yourselves be consumed. For those in relationships, harmony is achieved through sexual fulfillment. Always respect your partner's pace to avoid tension. Beware the Mercury-Mars square, which could fuel some misunderstandings.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    A Taurus may add some spice to your life with their stability, a perfect counterbalance for your perfectionist nature.

    You avoid

    The Lion's impetuosity could jeopardize your serenity this week, thus proceed with caution.

  • Your weekend

    The weekend heralds a pulsating rhythm. Between fun and entertainment, your energy could surprise more than one! It's the influence of the Moon in conjunction with Uranus. Seize this opportunity to amplify your creativity and share your innovative ideas. What a marvel!

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